Friday 8 July 2022

Mr Egidijus Lazauskas appointed CEO of LTG at the end of June

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Egidijus Lazauskas

Current position
Egidijus Lazauskas has been appointed CEO of JSC Lithuanian Railways, LTG and also serves as a member of the board of LTG CARGO (freight transportation subsidiary of LTG). Mr Lazauskas has been Acting CEO of LTG since the beginning of 2022.

Previous experience

  • In 2017 he was appointed Head of Freight Transportation Directorate of JSC Lithuanian Railways.
  • Having implemented the transfer of the company’s operations, he was appointed as CEO of the newly established freight transportation company LG CARGO on 1 May 2019. In 2020 the company was rebranded as LTG CARGO.
  • Before joining JSC Lithuanian Railways, Mr Lazauskas worked as the Head of the “Ernst & Young Baltic” infrastructure project team.

He has also led Lithuanian and international teams of experts working in the logistics sector, and helped to prepare the feasibility study for the establishment of the Klaipėda Public Logistics Centre and develop the Klaipėda Seaport programme. Commissioned by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, he prepared the transport sector’s analysis of investment projects in Baltic countries.

In 1996 Mr Lazauskas obtained a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering from Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.

UIC expresses its warmest congratulations to Mr Lazauskas on his appointment and conveys its very best wishes.

(Source: LTG)