Tuesday 11 July 2023

SNCF becomes a producer of solar energy through its new subsidiary “SNCF Renewables”

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As France’s leading electricity-consuming industry, SNCF has created a subsidiary, “SNCF Renewables”, which is dedicated to the development and installation of renewable energy capacities on its land reserves, which are among the largest in the country. The autonomous production of this energy, which will be carried out with the installation of solar power plants on French territory, will mainly allow SNCF to supply electricity to some of its buildings and the railway network.

SNCF aims to install 1000 megawatts-peak (MWp) of photovoltaic capacity on 1000 hectares of land reserves by 2030; the output could represent 15 to 20% of its current electricity requirements. It is thus accelerating its decarbonisation trajectory, contributing to the security of its electricity supply and contributing to France’s objectives in terms of renewable energy production.

In the context of energy and geopolitical uncertainty, the launch of this new activity, designed and developed entirely thanks to internal know-how, is fully in line with SNCF’s strategy. By exploiting its property assets for the benefit of rail, it will have carbon-free, sustainable and cost-controlled electricity.

This subsidiary, which will begin its activity this summer, will be led by Emmanuel Mroz, currently the Deputy Director of Energy Transition at SNCF.

Jean-Pierre FARANDOU, Chairman of the SNCF Group: “Launching SNCF Renewables is strategic for the SNCF Group. We will make a major contribution to the production of carbon-free electricity for the rail sector and France, in line with our ambition to double the modal share of trains by 2040.
(Source: SNCF)

More information in the press kit in French:

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