Tuesday 19 March 2024

Start-up ecosystem in Takanawa Gateway City “Takanawa Gateway Link Scholars’ Hub” to be created to support over 100 start-ups

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  • Under the group management vision “Move Up 2027”, the East Japan Railway Company (JR East) is developing a start-up ecosystem in Takanawa Gateway City (the City), which is scheduled to open in late March 2025.
  • With a capacity for 100,000 visitors, the City will be one of the largest scale experimental sites in Japan, working to solve social issues related to environmental protection, mobility vehicles and robotics, and healthcare services. Over 100 start-ups in Deep Tech and other sectors will launch new businesses through long-term support in collaboration with the University of Tokyo (UTokyo) and other academic institutions.
  • The Business Creation Programmes are to be launched sequentially starting in July 2024, in collaboration with UTokyo, the National University of Singapore (NUS) and other partners. Accepted companies will have opportunity to conduct demonstrations in the City in conjunction with the opening of the City.

For more information, please click this link: https://www.jreast.co.jp/e/press/2023/pdf/20240305.pdf

(Source: JR East)

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