Thursday 23 January 2025

The EU IMPRESS Project holds its fifth Steering Committee Meeting

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The steering committee for the IMPRESS (IMProving Railway sEcurity through awareneSS and training) project, coordinated by the UIC Security Department and co-funded by the European Union, was held online on 20 January 2025.

The partners discussed the IMPRESS training modules and the ongoing pilots. Each railway partner (FS, NS, PKP S.A. and SNCB) is organising a training-of-trainers, where staff from their company are introduced to the training modules so as to be able to train their colleagues, as well as then giving a first training of the materials to the intended target audiences (security staff, frontline staff, cleaners, retail workers, etc.). Several pilots have already begun and the rest are on track to be delivered by end February 2025. Moreover, the partners discussed the planning of the next main deliverable which will document the evaluation of the training modules and the feedback provided by the trainees.

The meeting was also an opportunity to highlight recent dissemination actions taken by the project partners. Bruno De Rosa, UIC Senior Security Advisor, attended the UIC Station Managers Global Group meeting on 1-2 October 2024 and presented the draft training modules, garnering interest from rail station managers. Similarly, Marie-Hélène Bonneau, UIC Security Director, presented the IMPRESS training modules to the UITP Security Committee, who were eager to learn more, on 16-17 October 2024.

During the 19th UIC World Security Congress, which took place on 2-4 December 2024 at UIC HQ in Paris and was co-organised by SNCF, Laura Petersen, UIC Senior Security Research Advisor, presented IMPRESS as part of session dedicated to research projects and outlooks.

Furthermore, the fifth edition of the IMPRESS Review, a media monitoring on the topic of rail security carried out by the UIC Security Department, was published in December 2024.

Looking towards May 2025, when the IMPRESS project will come to a close, the results from the pilots will be used to update and improve the final training modules. We would also like to invite you to save-the-date for the IMPRESS Final Conference, which will take place at UIC HQ in Paris on 14 May 2025.

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Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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Attendees of the fifth IMPRESS Steering Committee
IMPRESS being presented at the 19th UIC World Security Congress