Tuesday 7 September 2010

Announcement of the 6th annual UIC workshop on Railway Freight Noise Reduction

“Bringing things together” (Paris, UIC HQ, 23 November 2010)

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UIC promotes silent railways. In a series of annual workshops UIC reports on progress, in particular in terms of the freight rolling stock with composite brake blocks. The speakers will address issues such as the EU policy and planned incentives such as noise related track access charges and how the railways are reacting on these initiatives. A major point will also be the current state of the art of K- and LL-block homologation and how the railways are dealing with the technical problems that have been encountered like e.g. the equivalent conicity issue and how these problems is foreseen to be solved within different UIC projects as e.g. the EuropeTrain project. Further issues will be a presentation on the TSI Noise revision and presentations on other noise and vibration issues in order to keep the scope large and bringing things more together.

The project programme foresees ample time for discussion and the coffee and lunch breaks will allow many opportunities for networking with colleagues from the railway sector as well as government and industry.

The agenda of the workshop and online registration can be found on UIC homepage: http://www.uic.org/spip.php?article2500.

The deadline for registration is 12 November 2010.

The workshop will be held in English and is free of charge.

For more information please contact Lisette Mortensen: mortensen at uic.org

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