Tuesday 27 March 2012
News from Members

EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn at the Bratislava Main Railway Station

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EU Commissioner for Regional Policy Johannes Hahn officially visited the Slovak Republic for the first time. He met Mr Ján Figel, 1st Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport, Construction and Regional Development.

“The EU Funds play a crucial role in Slovakia and it is important to direct these resources to the right projects to maintain the continuity of the efficient and long term investments. I have focused on key Slovak players in this area when setting up the next regional policy period in order to find the best ways to prepare the country for optimal resource allocation in the future,” said Mr Hahn. The meeting was followed by a working session with other state representatives on the topic of the future of regional policy. Afterwards, Mr Hahn took the opportunity to see new regional train sets co-financed by the EU funds and the launch of new rail uniforms for employees of ZSSK, Slovak rail passenger operator, at the Bratislava Main Railway Station.

For more information please contact Lubomir Hradisky: hradisky.lubomir at slovakrail.sk

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