Tuesday 4 December 2012
Expertise Development

Second UIC World Congress on Rail Training 2013: Registration is open and draft programme published!

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Registration for the Second UIC World Congress on Rail Training, which will be held at St Pölten University of Applied Sciences (Matthias Corvinus Strasse 15), along with technical visits in Vienna from 24 to 26 April, 2013, is now open at the following address www.wcrt2013.org. A draft programme is also available at the same address.

The World Congress on Rail Training 2013 is being organised at the initiative of the UIC Expertise Development Platform, which draws its expertise from the Network of Regional Rail Training Centres. Its main purpose is to enhance workforce development through the sharing of best practice in rail training across the entire industry.
With over 30 different presentations from Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania, and the United States, the congress will be the place to promote best practice models and hear about research findings in this area which bring innovation and have practical application to the industry.

Through presentations related to trainer development, training innovations, new technologies, simulation and gaming, non technical skills, the congress will tackle topical issues for railways such as safety, security, customer service, the role of universities in railway training, filling the skill shortages and developing for the future.
The congress is targeted at human resources and training directors, training executives, and training and workforce development experts.
Unlike the First World Congress, the 2013 Congress will be held in English, French and German.

Technical facilities can be provided for other languages if the delegates come with their interpreter.

Potentially interested partners/sponsors can find further information about the various terms and conditions at the following link: http://www.uic.org/spip.php?rubrique2052

For further information, please contact Nathalie Amirault, Head of Unit – Expertise Development: amirault at uic.org

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