Tuesday 9 July 2013
Freight / Research

Save the date for the SUSTRAIL Mid-term conference! (Paris, 4 December 2013)

“The SUSTainable freight RAILway: Designing the “Freight vehicle-Track system” for higher delivered tonnage with improved availability at reduced cost”

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On behalf of the SUSTRAIL Consortium, UIC and D’Appolonia (SUSTRAIL Coordinator), have the pleasure to announce that the Mid-term conference of the SUSTRAIL Project will take place at UIC Headquarters (Paris) on 4 December 2013.

Started in June 2011, the SUSTRAIL project is a four-year collaborative R&D project co-funded by the European Commission within the FP7, with the overall objective to support the freight railway to regain a primary position in freight transport.

Why you should attend the conference?

This event will be the opportunity to discover the main results achieved by the project over the last 24 months. It will also be the occasion to be informed of the project’s upcoming activities and to pave the way for the exploitation of the project results.

Among others, the following topics will be presented:

  • Integrated approach for an increased performance in the freight rail system (Network Rail, D’Appolonia)
  • Current and future trends in freight systems and freight traffic flows (Newrail, Network Rail, Adif, Marlo)
  • Novel wheel profiles and improved breaking systems (Lucchini, Politecnico di Milano, KES)
  • Improved bogie design and lightweight body shell (Newrail)
  • Condition monitoring for the freight rail vehicle and for the rail track (Mermec)
  • Performance based design principles towards a “zero” maintenance track (Network Rail, D’Appolonia)
  • LCC and RAMS analysis (Lulea Technical University)
  • Novel business models, including user and environmental benefits, and technical implementation (University of Leeds, Network Rail, Grupo Clas)

During the conference, the speakers will also be pleased to share and discuss their research results with the participants. Ample networking time will also be reserved between the sessions.

The official invitation along with the provisional programme, information on the venue, and the link to the online registration form will be sent to you very soon.

In the meantime, SAVE THE DATE of 4 December 2013 to secure your participation in this important event!

We look forward to meeting you in Paris.

Important Notice: We advise you to book your flight and accommodation early.

To learn more about Sustrail, visit our website at http://www.sustrail.eu/

For further information on the Conference, please contact Isabelle De Keyzer: dekeyzer at uic.org

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