Tuesday 12 November 2013
Sustainable Development

14th UIC Environment, Energy & Sustainability (EES) Platform (Paris, 6 November 2013)

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The 14th UIC Environment, Energy & Sustainability (EES) Platform met at UIC HQ in Paris on 6 November 2013 to share the results of projects and discuss common issues.
The main topics on the agenda were:

UIC-IEA- Railway Handbook 2013

Veronica Aneris (UIC) presented the new UIC-IEA Railway Handbook 2013 (http://www.uic.org/spip.php?article3193). The first edition was successful in providing valuable information on rail energy use and emissions. This edition looks closely at railway electricity mixes in Europe as well as at options to provide renewable electricity to railway operators. It will be distributed at the COP19 in Warsaw. Later on John Dulac (IEA) presented the Global Land Transport Infrastructure Requirements (http://www.iea.org/publications/freepublications/publication/TransportInfrastructureInsights_FINAL_WEB.pdf); the paper assesses the increasing global demand for rail travel.

Eco passenger & Zero Carbon rail update

Nick Craven (UIC) and Veronica Aneris (UIC) presented an overview of the challenges associated with the development of Eco passenger (www.ecopassenger.com) and progress with the Zero Carbon project. This was followed by a lively discussion between members on the use of ’Green Certificates’, their role in the public communication and promotion of additional renewable energy.

Political update – CER

Edward Christie (CER) illustrated key political and environmental priorities of CER and the European Commission and introduced the new staff member at CER. Dr. Ethem Penkin, an Environmental Economist, will replace Matthew Ledbury

Sustainable Development Unit, Expert Network activities, projects & proposals

In 2013 the UIC Sustainable Development Unit organized over 25 meetings with a total number of participants exceeding 550. These included Expert Network meetings and workshops. An update of the network groups was given

Global project proposal “Strategy for increasing investment in rail”

Nick Craven (UIC) illustrated the aim of the project and the working phases.
Phase 1 will aim to strengthen the involvement of non-European UIC members, with particular attention to BRICS, while phase 2 will establish the cooperation needed for the definition of a common UIC world sustainability strategy 2030-2050.

Sustainable Development at RSSB (UK)

Anthony Perret (RSSB) presented the Sustainable Development Framework at RSSB: RSSB is owned and funded by industry and train operators in Britain

Research activities at UIC

Dennis Schut (UIC) 1st Call of Horizon 2020 & TEN-T. The Draft Work Programme 2014-2015 content of the first call was presented. François Maugère (UIC) announced the official launch of “HORIZON 2020” for January 2014.

For further information please contact Nick Craven: craven at uic.org

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