Tuesday 19 November 2013
UIC Middle-East / Infrastructure

Infrastructure Workshop (Amman, 12 November 2013)

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In the frame of the RAME General Assembly, UIC organised a day’s seminar for the participating RAME experts on Infrastructure Maintenance.

The themes touched upon a wide range of issues in the area of Infrastructure. Two UIC experts covered subjects in the areas of Track & Structure, Operations, SATLOC (Applications of Satellite Navigation for Railways), Asset Management and cost benchmarking for Maintenance and Renewal.
The TCDD International affairs director presented the implementation of the High Speed line in Turkey.

Animated, interactive and useful discussions were held among the 60 participants and the two UIC experts Laurent Schmitt and Teodor Gradinariu.
The general feeling was that this kind of exchange is very useful, UIC having the technical force and knowledge to disseminate its activities, projects and the rich heritage and added value included in the UIC Leaflets.

Teodor Gradinariu invited the participating RAME members to join the UIC benchmark on maintenance and renewal for a better understanding of their cost drivers and to compare with other similar railways to control and better explain their expenditures.
The general conclusion was that this kind of workshop is useful and could be extended to other relevant subjects.

For further information please contact Paul Veron, UIC Coordinator for Middle-East: veron at uic.org

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