Tuesday 4 February 2014
Relations with International Institutions / Employment Opportunities

Asian Development Bank recruiting a Consultant for Cambodian projects

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Thanks to the Memorandum of Understanding with the Asian Development Bank, dedicated in particular to the development of the Greater Mekong Subregion railway transport, UIC is honoured to promote its call for candidates for the position of Consultant for Cambodian projects. The ADB is looking for a consultant to help with the implementation of its rail project in Cambodia.

The draft Terms of Reference, available here: http://uic.org/com/IMG/pdf/employment_opportunities_cambodia.pdf will be refined in due course, but should serve to give a broad idea of the assignment.

Please let us know if there are any suitable experts within your company who would be able and willing for this assignment.

Please forward their CVs and contact details to Vincent Vu: vu at uic.org

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