Tuesday 25 March 2014
Level Crossings / ILCAD

Vote in the ILCAD drawing contest!

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UIC has recently organised the 4th international drawing contest for children on level crossing safety as part of the International Level Crossing Awareness Day (ILCAD) to take place on 3 June 2014.

This fourth edition has again been a great success with over 600 drawings:

  • 274 drawings in the 4 – 7 age group
  • 321 drawings in the 8 – 12 age group
  • And 5 in the “disabled children” category

from different countries around the world. We would like to thank all children, their parents and teachers.

The competition is now closed and the vote is open to all of you. You may choose only one drawing in each category.

Deadline to vote for your favourite drawing in each category: 11 April 2014.

Please use this link to vote for the 4 – 7 age group:

Please use this link to vote for the 8 – 12 age group:

Please use this link to vote for an additional category: disabled children http://www.ilcad.org/Vote-for-your-favorite-drawing,276.html

For each category click on the drawing you prefer. You will then see a number which you need to enter in the voting box.

The best drawings will be announced by 25 April and will be awarded a prize that will be communicated at a later date. The winning drawings will be uploaded to the ILCAD website www.ilcad.org in advance of the international campaign date of 3 June 2014 and may be exhibited during the campaign.

For further information please contact Isabelle Fonverne: fonverne at uic.org

2 Votes

Average rating: 4 / 5

Jennifer Sanchez, 10 years, California, USA, awarded 4th prize in the ILCAD 2013 drawing contest during an awareness session