Tuesday 20 May 2014
UIC Asia-Pacific

17th edition of the Asia-Pacific Regional Assembly successfully concluded in Taipei on 13 May 2014

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The meeting was Chaired by Satoshi Seino, Chairman of East Japan Railway Company, Co-chaired by Gombosuren Sereneendorj, Chairman of Oulan-Bator Railways, under the leadership of Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, Director General of UIC, and conducted by Vincent Vu, Coordinator of the Asia-Pacific region. It served as an opportunity to review a number of regional actions being undertaken during the first half of 2014, studies to optimise sleepers and drivers’ cabs, the conference on natural disaster management with the United Nations, dry ports, PPP training, as well as preparing actions planned for the second half of the year, including the study on adapting catenaries to increased speed, the workshop on the safety database, the meeting on the network of regional training and workshop on railway signalling and CSS in Tokyo in October. The second half of the meeting focused on the presentation of actions put forward by members for 2015 to invite them to express their interest before September and to be more involved in 2015.

Finally, the members expressed their interest in strengthening cooperation with other organisations in the region such as OSJD and the Asian Development Bank. This assembly was also the first to clearly demonstrate the actions in Australia, thus reinforcing the presence of UIC Asia-Pacific in Oceania thanks to its new locally-based representative.

For further information please contact Vincent Vu: vu at uic.org

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