Tuesday 19 August 2014
Expertise Development

RAMS & LCC for railway infrastructure (Istanbul, 14 – 16 October 2014)

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While RAMS and LCC are often used in other businesses, it is rarely the case for railway infrastructure. Investment decisions in long-lasting components, modules or systems are often made on the basis of existing technical knowledge and restricted budgets. The most important view is therefore the first investment. But this kind of decision-making does not take into account future costs such as maintenance or re-investment and future demands.

LCC together with RAMS is the best basis for decision-making because it takes into account the technical performance and the whole life costs of an asset.
The training increases knowledge about these methods, demonstrates the benefits and points out the role of both the experts and the management.

Target groups: experts and managers

Expected outputs:

  • The participants have an increased knowledge of RAMS & LCC methodology
  • The participants are equipped with the basics to optimise the technical development or use of restricted money.
  • The participants have good knowledge about
    • The most basic approaches for using RAMS & LCC methodology and the advantages of this approach
      The classical LCC approach will be explained in detail and important parameters and their effects demonstrated. Besides the method, the importance of a unique documentation and quality assurance of the data and boundaries will be pointed out.
      RAMS will be explained and typical parameters such as the mean time between failure (MTBF) summarised. The training tries to show the strong relation between the technical and the economic performance of an asset (described by RAMS and LCC). Depending on the knowledge of the participants the training can start from scratch or at a higher level. Practical examples will clear the approach, the effort and the benefits, and a short overview of existing tools gives a good insight into real LCC analysis.
      At the end of the training the methods, important parameters and boundaries, effort and benefits are known.
    • The responsibilities and role of LCC and RAMS experts and management
  • Results from the INNOTRACK project are being presented. The following results are presented :
    • Heat treated rails to reduce head checks
    • Slab tracks versus ballasted track
    • Preventive maintenance strategy for track geometry
    • Improved track design for transition zones at bridges

The “RAMS and LCC for Railway Infrastructure” training session is designed primarily for the Middle East region, but is open to all UIC regions. However please note that the number of participants is limited.

More practical information and registration available at:


  • uicmertce at tcdd.gov.tr (Eskişehir, Turkey)
  • Nathalie Amirault, Head of Unit Expertise Development amirault at uic.org (UIC HQ, Paris)
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