Friday 26 September 2014
Climate Change / United Nations

UIC actively participated in UN Climate Summit in New York:

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Recognition of its advisory role to feed the discussions

Launch of “UIC Low Carbon Rail Transport Challenge”

The UN Climate Summit hosted by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on 23 September in New York provided the opportunity to make new commitments, new ideas, and new financing for significant actions to address the climate challenge.

World leaders reaffirmed the need to take urgent action to limit global temperature rise to less than two degrees Celsius. Acknowledging that the world was not on a pathway to reach that goal, they also committed to significantly ramp up climate action. Many speakers made it clear that taking action to reduce emissions could be achieved without damaging prospects for economic development and efforts to fight poverty.

As a recognition of the work done by UIC in close cooperation with the United Nations from several years (Train to Copenhagen, Rio+20, recent nomination of Jean-Pierre Loubinoux by United Nations Secretary General as Member of the High-level Advisory Group on Sustainable Transport ..), UIC had the great opportunity to take the floor during the Summit and made several statements.

UIC General Director Jean-Pierre Loubinoux participated among others on the afternoon of 23 September in the session “Transport Actions area” which allowed global leaders from Government, business, finance and civil society to announce bold commitments to action in areas that are critical for keeping global temperature increases to less than two degrees Celsius.

Energy use and greenhouse gas emissions are expected to increase under a ‘business as usual’ scenario by nearly 50 per cent by 2030 and more than 80 per cent by 2050, compared with year-end 2009. This increase in emissions will be primarily caused by a projected surge in the global stock of vehicles. Already in 2009, transport contributed approximately one-quarter of energy-related global greenhouse gas emissions and was responsible for about one-fifth of energy use. Measures that reduce the demand for travel, including compact city planning combined with the large-scale expansion of public transport systems improvements in energy-efficient transportation systems along with the promotion of non-motorised transport, could save Governments, companies and individuals up to $70 trillion by 2050 as less money would need to be invested in vehicles, fuel and transportation infrastructure.
In this context, the United Nations issued a press release on this issue, mentioning the UIC initiative. Please find it below:

UN press release:

Sustainable Rail, Air, Electric Vehicles and Urban Public Transport Mobilized at Climate Summit

New York, 23 September 2014 - Shift to low-carbon mobility could save up to US$70 trillion in fuel costs

Four global transport alliances launched or advanced initiatives that aim to significantly scale-up proven low carbon transport technologies. Announced at
the Climate Summit on 23 September, these initiatives would increase the number of electric vehicles on the road, increase the efficiency of rail transport and air travel, and provide sustainable public transportation options around the world.

According to the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a shift towards
sustainable transport is essential to prevent greenhouse gas emissions by transport from doubling by the middle of the century and to achieve the internationally agreed goal of a maximum 2 degrees Celsius rise in global average temperature. Transport contributes about one quarter of energy-related global GHG emissions and about one fifth of energy use. Under a ‘Business as Usual’ scenario, energy use and GHG emissions are projected to rise by nearly 50 percent by 2030 and by more than 80 per cent by 2050 (from 2009).

These initiatives can help put the transport sector on a new track towards a low-carbon future and save trillions of dollars in fuel costs in the process. The International Energy Agency estimates that a shift to sustainable, low-carbon transport by the middle of the century could save governments, companies and individuals up to US$70 trillion.

“I am glad to see action that builds strong global alliances in the transportation area,” said UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. “These initiatives will help reduce carbon emissions and make urban areas more efficient and productive and healthier places to live and work.”

A new Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI) was launched in New York to increase the number of electric vehicles in cities to least 30 percent of all new vehicles sold on annual basis by 2030 while simultaneously developing the enabling infrastructure for their effective use. The initiative is supported by private companies including BYD, Mahindra Reva, and Michelin, one of the two largest tire manufacturers in the world, as well as UN-Habitat.

“Mobilizing support from the private sector is vital to enable us to implement technological breakthroughs in urban mobility” said UN-Habitat Executive Director of Joan Clos.

The International Union of Railways (UIC) – with 240 members worldwide including the major railways of Europe, China, Russia, India and the US – launched the Low-Carbon Sustainable Rail Transport Challenge. In the Association’s green growth agenda framework, the UIC aims to increase rail use for freight and transport and meet ambitious targets for increased efficiency and emission reduction of 50 percent each by 2030 and 60 and 75 percent, respectively, by 2050. These targets were unanimously approved at the UIC General Assembly in June 2014 in the lead up to the Summit; and UIC will monitor and report the progress by the rail sector towards achieving these goals.

[More information on this Low-Carbon Sustainable Rail Transport Challenge in another article below].

“We expect this initiative to result in 75 per cent reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from rail transport by 2050. In total, we aim to save over one gigatonne of carbon emissions globally through improved energy efficiency and through building partnerships”, said Jean- Pierre Loubinoux, Director General of the International Railway Association.

Video of the Commitment of the Railway Sector to support the 2° scenario (statement by Mr Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, UIC Director General, during the Transport Actions Area, UN Climate Summit, New York, 23 September 2014) is available here:

The International Association of Public Transport (UITP) Declaration on Climate Leadership resulted in over 350 commitments and actions from 110 public transport entities being undertaken in the lead up to the Summit. These actions contribute to UITP’s objective of doubling the market share of public transport around the world by 2025, announced at the Rio+20 Conference in 2012. UITP brings together 1,300 member organizations from 92 countries.

Most commitments for the Summit aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through a host of measures, from increasing the number of new bus and metro lines to introducing car and bike sharing in countries around the globe – from Germany to Japan and from Colombia to Lebanon.

In the fourth announcement, governments under the auspices of the International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the aviation industry, represented through the crossindustry Air Transport Action Group (ATAG), stepped up commitment and partnerships to achieve the ultimate objective of a sustainable international aviation sector, and in particular to reach the industry’s long-term existing global goal to halve net CO2 emissions by 2050 compared to 2005 levels.

As part of this commitment, in advance of the Summit and after, ICAO and ATAG are
supporting the development of sustainable alternative fuels for aviation as well as the
deployment of new technology for aircraft and operational improvements to ensure
increased efficiency in the industry. They are working with partners to develop a global CO2 standard for new aircraft and to design and implement a global market-based measure for international aviation for implementation from 2020 onward.

Over 100 actions by partners and industry leaders – including Virgin Atlantic and Thai Airways – have been launched or scaled up since the Secretary-General’s call to action for the Summit in Sept 2013.

These announcements forms part of United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s call to keep global temperature increases to less than two degrees Celsius by reducing emissions, moving money, pricing pollution, strengthening resilience and mobilizing new coalitions. This is one of eight areas identified as critical and further developed during the Abu Dhabi Ascent, a two-day meeting held in the United Arab Emirates in May 2014.

View the Joint Action Statements and Action Plans for the Transport Action Area
at to learn the details of the
commitments and the partners.


  • UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Mohammed Salamat, salamat at;
  • International Railway Association: Marie Plaud, plaud at;
  • International Association of Public Transport: Andrew Canning, andrew.canning at

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United Nations Headquarters in New York
Transport Action Announcements group picture
Transport Action Announcments co-leads Connie Hedegaard, European Commissioner for Climate Action, and Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago