Tuesday 25 November 2014
Expertise Development / International Training

New! UIC Contract Management Executive Training (Paris, UIC HQ, 11 – 13 March 2015)

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In the frame of the Talent project (Global Network of Railway Talents www.railtalent.org), UIC is developing a comprehensive international management development programme for young and senior Talents.

It is in this context that we are broadening our portfolio of training offers with a new discipline which has emerged in recent years. This discipline is known as the Contract Management, a major part of it being Operational Risk Management.
This 15-hour module dealing with Operational Risk Management focuses on protecting the company’s interests through better risk management, aiming to prepare company resources to face project risks and to mitigate their relevant impacts during project execution. The last session of the course is fully dedicated to Margin Recovery.

Upon completion of the course, participants will acquire significant knowledge and skills in:

  • Understanding the concepts of Operational Risk Management with emphasis on assessment and mitigation actions.
  • Getting a detailed description of major risks any international project may face.
  • Understanding and applying Risk Management techniques as a management tool.
  • How single entitlements could develop into major disputes and deteriorate the initial project margin.
  • What could be required later to develop strong defence cases prior to negotiation, arbitration and/or court litigation.
  • The training will rely on a mix of illustrations and a case study with interactive discussions.

The session will be conducted by an experienced trainer combining both strong field experience (having been active for 37 years in the engineering and manufacturing industry and having worked on more than fifty international projects in different industrial sectors and teaching skills (affiliated Professor and Lecturer since 2004 in Graduate Schools of Business, Engineering Universities and professional associations).

Further information and registration: http://www.uic.org/spip.php?article2034

Deadline for registration: 20 February 2015!

For further please contact Nathalie Amirault, Head of Expertise Development Unit: amirault at uic.org

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