Tuesday 25 November 2014
Expertise Development

The global network of railway talents now has an online platform to support its activities at www.railtalent.org

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To tackle the various challenges that the railway industry is facing (ageing population, image problem, war for talents, skills mismatches..) and support its members in their national approaches and efforts, the UIC General Assembly of December 2012 voted a global project “Global Network of Railway Talents”, which aims to create a strong and sustainable foundation for fostering international cooperation among ambitious and open minded railway professionals.

The project addresses the development of competences, the transfer of know-how, the process of knowledge, values and experience sharing between different generations of railway people, the stimulation of active dialogue between cultures and generations, how to better attract and retain the best talents and make the railway sector a career opportunity of choice for the most skilled and passionate young talents on the job market.

It is based on a set of complementary initiatives:

  1. A comprehensive Management Development Programme for young and senior talents
  2. A strong and sustainable cooperation with academia worldwide. As a result of the Talent project, the “Rail Uni Net” global network of universities specialising in rail education has been established. With members from all over the world, activities of the network have started including online meetings, joint programmes, proposals and projects. In Europe, the network also supports the 4th Rail Package for development of a skilful work force for a vibrant rail sector and is determined to promote innovation in rail education and training around the world. Rail Uni Net is also actively involved in the development of the above-mentioned Management Development Programme.

(3)The development of an international and sustainable network of railway talents
At the end of 2013 a wide-scale stakeholder survey was conducted in order to identify the needs and expectations of a TALENT collaborative platform.

According to the results of the survey (over 170 respondents), the three top priorities for railways are:

  • Ensuring that knowledge is passed on to the next generation
  • Developing workforce skills/capabilities
  • Retaining valued talent
    The key success factor of the network being the exchange of knowledge and experience (80% see that as very important)
    The global network of talents should bring together numerous stakeholders

The TALENT online platform should become a powerful tool to support the TALENT project’s activities and missions. The success of the project relies on the active participation of the various stakeholders.
Be part of this challenging project. Share your passion and knowledge about railways at www.railtalent.org!

For further information please contact Nathalie Amirault, Head of Expertise Development Unit: amirault at uic.org

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