Tuesday 15 November 2016
Sustainable Development

UIC addresses the question of adaptation challenges during the United Nations Conference on Climate change COP22 in Morocco

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UIC was represented on 10 to 13 November 2016 at the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP22 in Marrakesh, participating in 7 events, both in the blue and the civil society and innovation zones - UIC has consultative status to the United Nations.

Defined as a COP for action, the Moroccan Presidency identified adaptation, and building resilience as key themes for COP22. In support of this, UIC worked closely with the Paris Process on Mobility and Climate (PPMC) in launching a declaration on adaption for the transport sector.

For the first time, the transport sector established a common position regarding the importance of improving resilience to the impacts of climate change.

Mr Jean-Pierre LOUBINOUX, UIC Director General, discussed adaption during the high level transport showcase as part of the official COP22 programme. He said “Uncertainty is not an excuse for inaction” […] “As climate changes will bring about increasing weather-related hazards in the longer term, UIC would like to see NDC (national policy) statements advocating early adaptation action to build resilience - early because of the long lead times for infrastructure planning and early because if we leave things too late - for some years - we will become focused on managing disruption by unaffordable reaction. Key message – uncertainty should not be an excuse to avoid taking action. Fire-fighting is very expensive, we need a strategic approach. We should use investments to manage uncertainty. In Europe alone, weather resilience costs the rail sector 300 million Euros every year, 80% of that is due to flooding alone.”

It’s important for the transport sector to raise awareness for the need of adaptation to advance transport policy and increase funding and UIC encourages members to sign the adaptation declaration. All information can be found here: Declaration on Adaptation

UIC RailAdapt project will strengthen the sector’s positioning on adaptation.
For more details please contact Nick CRAVEN, Head of the Sustainable Unit at UIC, craven at uic.org

A comprehensive overview of transport related activities, including with important parties such as ONCF, SNCF, UITP, ITF and SLOCAT during COP22 will be presented towards the end of COP22.

An interview of Jean-Pierre LOUBINOUX, UIC Director General, on
“Sustainable development – what has happened since the COP21 conference? What are the next challenges?” is available here: https://youtu.be/xMkYD8xq27Q

For further information please contact Nick Craven, Head of the UIC Sustainable Development Unit:

craven at uic.org

Marie-Luz Philippe, UIC Advisor for Sustainable Development & UIC African Region:

philippe at uic.org

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From left to right, Nick Craven, Head of the UIC Sustainable Development Unit and session moderator of the morning event, Alain Flausch, Secretary-General, UITP, and Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, UIC Director General, addressing the audience
From left to right: Mary Crass, Head of Policy and Summit Preparation, International Transport Forum (ITF); José Viegas, Secretary-General, International Transport Forum (ITF); Alain Flausch, Secretary-General, UITP; and Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, Director General, UIC