Tuesday 23 May 2017

UIC Code of Practice for the loading and securing of goods available for download in three languages

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The loading guidelines developed by UIC are a set of nationally and internationally valid regulations for loading goods in railway transport. They describe binding rules and stipulations for the usage and capacity utilisation of the wagons and for the dimensions of the load.

Railways are a reliable transport mode, but this is only ensured through constant and unwavering attention on the part of all players. Safe loading is one of the top priorities for all the parties involved and must remain so despite increasingly complex interfaces.
The UIC loading guidelines constitute an extremely valuable asset which is shared with all players.
All of them must know and comply with the proper implementation of the existing loading rules and directives, and use the adequate equipment.

To this end, dissemination and training workshops are organised by the UIC experts for the Sector.

The work of the experts involved in the dedicated UIC study group aims to ensure that the guidelines are up to date and comply with evolving legislation. The work carried out over the last months resulted in the digitalisation of these guidelines which are now available online in French, English and German. They can be downloaded from the UIC-ETF Shop http://www.shop-etf.com/en/technical-documents/loading-guidelines.html or directly from the UIC Freight webpage.

For further information please contact Nathalie Libardi, UIC Freight Department:

libardi at uic.org

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