Tuesday 20 June 2017

3rd Asset Management Global Conference to be held from 4 – 6 October 2017 in Paris

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UIC Asset Management Global Conference 2017
Putting your assets on the right track

Date: 4 – 6 October 2017

UIC Headquarters – Paris

The Asset Management Working Group of the International Union of Railways (UIC) will organise its Third International Conference dedicated to Asset Management at Paris at UIC Headquarters, from 4 – 6 October 2017.

Focusing on the UIC Railway Application Guide “Practical implementation of Asset Management through ISO 55001”, the conference will be held over a three-day period:

  • Day 1 and 2: keynote speakers, case study presentations and discussions to provide railway infrastructure organisations with concrete examples and guidance to improve their Asset Management capabilities;
  • Day 3 (optional):
    • Option 1: technical field visit in cooperation with SNCF
    • Option 2: training on UIC’s recently published Asset Management Guideline

Conference purpose:

  • Based on the UIC guideline, provide railway infrastructure managers with concrete examples and guidance to improve their Asset Management capabilities
  • Explore the latest developments, knowledge and experience across the Asset Management World
  • Offer opportunities for international and multi-sector networking

UIC is pleased to invite you and your representatives to attend the conference.
We look forward to your attendance at this interesting conference.


For further information please contact Teodor Gradinariu, Senior Technical Advisor, Rail System Deptartment:

gradinariu at uic.org

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