Tuesday 20 June 2017

WG Human Factors and Project Group Security of Stations held on 14 June 2017 in Moscow

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WG Human Factor: This WG is chaired by RZD (Russia) and has the following two priorities in order to further develop or reinforce activities in progress:

  • Staff training – both training of dedicated security staff within companies and security culture concerning all staff, in particular those in contact with the public
  • Handling of passengers – involving passengers in their own security (vigilance messages, staff alerts, etc.) and support provided to victims and their relatives in case of a security incident as part of crisis management and communication.

During this WG meeting, the participants discussed the action plan for 2017 – 2018, which included the topics:

  • Prevention and reacting in case of discovery of unattended items in railway facilities and vehicles
  • Transport security arrangements during mass public events
  • Enhancement of the efficiency of security measures taken from threats related with human factors
  • Raising awareness of railway administrations of UIC members on the advanced technologies in railway transport security and
  • Combating graffiti on walls of railway facilities and rolling stock
  • Project Group Security of Stations: The aim of this project group is to analyse effective solutions for station security measures and their impact on station business elements and customer perception.

Around 17 security and station manager experts attended the third Expert Workshop, which focused on human factor security measures. They discussed, inter alia, the Security Culture, Crowd Management, different communication channels for the customers, e. g. Hotlines, SMS-Services and Campaigns, p. ex. how to react properly in case of an attack. Also, the experts talked about training sessions, uniform and personal protection equipment of security and frontline staff as well as regulations for new or rebuild stations. This is just an excerpt of the topics during the workshop session.

The results of this and the following Expert Workshops will be summarised in a dedicated handbook and presented during the NextStation Conference, which will be held from 19 – 20 October 2017 in Madrid.

If you are interested in participating in the workshops, or for further information, please contact:

Kathrin Faber, Senior Advisor Security Division: faber at uic.org or

Marc Guigon, Senior Advisor Passenger Transport: guigon at uic.org

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