Tuesday 26 September 2017

11th UIC Railway Noise Workshop to be held on 14 November 2017

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This event will focus on the latest issues at European level for the management of railway noise and vibration. Topics will include application of the Noise TSI to existing wagons and ‘silent sections’, funding and progress for retrofitting, REFIT of the Environmental Noise Directive & forthcoming guidance on noise from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and appropriate noise metrics in addition to the new UIC State of the Art report for the Management of Railway Vibration.

As in previous years, speakers will be invited to represent the major stakeholders, including UIC, CER, European Commission (DG MOV & DG ENV), WHO working groups. External views from outside the railway noise world will also be sought. Opportunities will be provided for participants to ask questions directly to European Commission policy officers and other key stakeholders as well as to discuss the current issues.

There is no charge for participation; however places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. To reserve your place please click here:


Please find below the programme of this workshop:

Moderator: Jakob Oertli Chairman of the UIC Noise Expert Network & SBB

08.30 Registration & coffee
09.00 Welcome remarks: Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, Director General UIC
09.10 Introduction: Jakob Oertli, Chairman UIC Noise Expert Network & SBB

EU rail noise policy
Rail freight noise policy - Marcin Wojcik, Policy Officer DG MOV
Environmental Noise Directive - Marco Paviotti Policy Officer DG ENV
TSI revision - Kamil Pravdík Project Officer ERA
Freight CEO task force - speaker tbc
The view from CER - Libor Lochman, Executive Director CER

Noise assessment
WHO guidelines for noise Stephen Stansfeld, Queen Mary University London & Chair WHO noise working group (invited)
Rail noise, Leq or Lmax? Paul de Vos, Satis
UIC Track Train Interaction acoustics Pierre Etienne Gautier, Systra

Research and development
Vibration State of the Art Report- Paul de Vos, Satis
How much is enough? Professor Bas Haring, Leiden University
Reflections on noise management – Nick Craven, UIC
Conclusion – Jakob Oertli, Chairman Noise Expert Network & SBB

The Shift2Rail projects Fine1 & Destinate will be presented as poster sessions during the breaks.

For further information please contact Nick Craven, Head of the Sustainable Unit:

craven at uic.org

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