Tuesday 24 October 2017

1st UIC Global Conference on Signalling to take place from 26 – 28 March in Milan: The Evolution of ERTMS

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UIC is glad to inform you that, as a natural follow-up of the 12th ERTMS World Conference (Brussels Feb-Mar 2016), the “1st UIC GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON SIGNALLING - The Evolution of ERTMS” will be held in Milan-Italy on 26-28 March 2018, in the Congress Centre “MiCo”, in Via Gattamelata 5, Gate n. 13, 20149 Milano, Italy.

The conference site is in the city centre and provides easy access to airports, urban train connections and accommodation.

The official language of the conference will be English; simultaneous interpreting in French and Italian will be provided.

The teams of UIC and FS Group are working in synergy and with the collaboration of UNIFE and ROC-IG to duly prepare this event and provide high value answers to the issues of rail system related to Signalling, Traffic Management and Radio Communications.

As in previous editions (ERTMS world conferences in Brussels-2016, Istanbul-2014, Stocholm-2012, Malaga-2009…), this new conference will bring together political representatives, decision makers, technical and operational managers, experts from supplier companies and academics from all around the world.

This year UIC is looking forward to receiving around 500-700 people.

The programme will be open to external proposals and will give room to the hottest topics for the ERTMS development and deployment, both within and out of European borders, notably:

Session 1- the challenges for financing the installation of ERTMS, main adopted strategies worldwide and the new opportunities;
Session 2- the status of ERTMS today, a return of a 20 years long experience on Tendering/Contractual management, Certification and Authorization processes, Operation and Training of experts, drivers, maintenance stuff, critical decisions and general hints;
Session 3- The EU regulatory context and the leadership role of European Institutions for ERTMS in Europe vs the global opportunities for CCS development & deployment in other regions; the different legal environments with related obligations.
Sessions 4, 5 and 6 will focus each one on a “Game Changer”, notably:
Session 4 – ATO & ATS integration, for a high-level optimisation of train run via a reduced human weight and responsibility and best support to management of congested nodes
Session 5 - the Future Railway Mobile Radio Communication System, with an overall update on master plan, achieved results and remaining tasks needed to define, test and put in practice the successor of the GSM-R, whose lifetime is expected to last till 2030.
Session 6 - The synergy between Level 3 and Satellite integration, looking towards their common basic target: a strong reduction of costs and the adoption of convenient worldwide standards as well as an open formal approach for development, testing, and V&V
Finally, the session 7 will present the “bill” of such huge amount of technological innovation and widespread adoption of digital radio telecoms with an in-depth discussion on Cybersecurity & Safety issues, most advanced researches and adopted techniques to guarantee the security against the cyber-attacks.

A couple of technical visits to the High-Speed Control Centres of Milan and Bologna as well as cultural visits and cultural events in the two cities will complete the programme.

More information to come soon.

For further information about the programme and call for papers, please contact Piero Petrucciolio:

petruccioli at uic.org

For further information about organisational matters please contact Barbara mouchel:

mouchel at uic.org

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