Tuesday 24 October 2017

Station Managers’ Global Group (SMGG) met on 18 October 2017 in Madrid

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At the kind invitation of ADIF, the SMGG met in Madrid on 18 October 2017. SMGG is the UIC group dedicated to railway stations. It comprises station managers from UIC members and is managed by Carlos Ventura, Director of Passenger Stations at ADIF (Spain).

The UIC members represented at the SMGG meeting were: ADIF, DB, JR East, RZD, SNCB, SNCF, ONCF, SBB, Korai, Iran Rail, Finish Transport Agency.

UIC Headquarters was represented by Mr Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, Director General of UIC, Mr Jacques Colliard, Head of the Security Unit, Ms Kathrin Faber, Senior Advisor Security Division, Mr Marc Guigon, Director of the Passenger Department and Clément Gautier, Junior Advisor on Stations.

Information in stations
Etienne Riot from AREP presented the last version of the leaflet 181 about information in stations. This leaflet was approved by the SMGG.

Security of stations
Ms Ekaterina Kozyreva (RZD) presented the handbook on Security of Stations. It was approved by the SMGG, and is available on the UIC website at the following address:

Mr Atsushi Sakai (JR East) presented Information and Communications technology (ICT) for Railway Stations in Japan, and simulation on passenger flows for station planning.

NEXTSTATION conference
Mr Carlos Ventura presented the NEXTSTATION Conference, where 363 persons were registered:

Two round tables:

  • Smart Stations in a Connected World
  • Smart Stations: the Manager’s Perspective

Eight parallel sessions:

  • Solutions for an Integrated Mobility (two sessions)
  • Security and Privacy
  • Smart Design
  • Innovative Management
  • Accessibility
  • New Services for Users and Customers
  • Smart Facility Management

Project LTDRS: Long Term Development of Railway Stations
Clément Gautier (UIC) presented the studies which will be carried out over the next four years.

  • Benchmark on quality assessment of railway stations
  • Best practices for Smart Stations
  • Transit Oriented Development Model (TOD)
  • Railway Stations of the Future

Location of the next NEXTSTATION Conference
RAI (Iranian Railways) proposed to host the next conference at the city of Yazd, which was made a UNESCO world heritage site on 9 July 2017. All SMGG members approved this proposal.

Next meetings
The next SMGG meeting will be organised in Rabat (Morocco) from 14 – 15 December 2017, including a visit of the new high speed line and its railway stations

For further information please contact Marc Guigon, Director of the UIC Passenger Department:

guigon at uic.org

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