Tuesday 28 November 2017

UIC hosts fourth sports challenge in the context of the UIC-USIC-Médecins du Monde charity action

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On 20 November, an international charity chess tournament in aid of Médecins du Monde (Doctors of the World) was held under the auspices of the International Union of Railways (UIC).

This tournament is part of a joint initiative between UIC and USIC (International Railway Sports Association). In order to better reflect their values of solidarity in the railway community, they have joined forces in a charitable operation consisting of various sports challenges to raise funds for the NGO “Médecins du Monde”.

Represented by two of its members, Eric Brebant and Christian Bleuzen, USCF (Union Sportive des Chemins de Fer Français – French Railway Sports Union) took care of the logistical aspects of the tournament, which was held at the UIC headquarters in Paris, and attended by around 20 chess players from four countries (France, Germany, Belgium and Russia).

The excellent playing conditions and the attractive setting near the Eiffel Tower were not enough to distract the players. They showed impressive fighting spirit throughout the match, which was arbitrated by Alain Sallette.

The final victory went to the Russian IM Grigory Gusarov, who finished with seven points out of nine. His compatriot IM Matvei Shcherbin took second place in a tiebreak with the German player Andreas Haasler at 6.5 points each. The first French player, FM Julien Laurent (chess player from Franconville), was runner-up in fourth place with six points. The prize for the top female player went to the Russian FM Diana Samigullina, who also finished with six points.

Bachar Kouatly, President of FFE (Fédération Française des Echecs – French Chess Federation), and Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, UIC Director General.

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Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, Director General of UIC, and Dominique Paget, President of USIC, opening the international chess tournament at UIC - ©Photos B.MAURICE
From left to right: Dominique Paget, President of USIC; Grigory Gusarov, winner of the tournament; Bachar Kovatly, President of FFE; and Jean-Pierre Loubinous, UIC Director General - ©Photos B.MAURICE