Tuesday 16 January 2018

Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking Funded IP3 Projects IN2SMART, IN2TRACK and S-CODE will hold their mid-term conference in Paris on 24 January 2018

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This workshop will be the opportunity to promote the projects’ objectives, take stock of the achievements to date and look to future activities and discuss the expected potential improvements from the project results.

IP3 Innovations and ambitions Work in IP3 is organised around the following Technical Demonstrators (TDs) covering all R&I areas indicated in the Shift2Rail Master Plan: Enhanced Switch & Crossing System, Next-Generation Switch & Crossing System, Optimised Track System, Next Generation Track System, Proactive Bridge and Tunnel Assessment, Repair and Upgrade, Dynamic Railway Information Management System, Railway Integrated Measuring and Monitoring System, Intelligent Asset Management Strategies, Smart Power Supply, Smart Metering for Railway Distributed Energy Resource Management System and Future Stations. The 11 TDs are strongly interrelated and they are clustered together into Integrated Technology Demonstrators (ITDs).

The work in IN2SMART is part of TD3.6, TD3.7, TD3.8, IN2TRACK is linked to TD3.1, TD3.3, TD3.5 and S-CODE is covering TD3.2.

Main objectives of the three projects:

  • IN2SMART aims to contribute to the overall concept for Intelligent Asset Management. More information on the project at: https://shift2rail.org/projects/in2smart/
  • IN2TRACK aims to set the foundations for a resilient, consistent, cost-efficient, high capacity European network by delivering important building blocks that unlock the innovation potential. More information on the project at: https://shift2rail.org/projects/in2track/
  • S-CODE project aims to investigate, develop, validate and initially integrate radically new concepts for switches and crossings that have the potential to lead to increases in capacity, reliability and safety while reducing investment and operating costs. More information on the project at: http://www.s-code.info/

Ample time will be reserved for discussion and exchange with the project partners.
Online registration and useful information on the venue at: bit.ly/2muH3aS

Registration is mandatory and free of charge but only a limited number of participants can be welcomed on a first-come-first-served basis.

For further information about the conference please contact Christine Hassoun, Dissemination Coordinator of EU co-funded R&D projects:

hassoun at uic.org

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