Tuesday 30 January 2018

Technical Group and Commercial Group chairs start work on E-Ticketing and Dematerialisation of Tickets on 25 – 26 January in Bern, Switzerland

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The Passenger Services Group is focusing its attention on digitalisation and technologies enabling the adoption of pure digitalised, dematerialised international e-ticketing.

The Technical Group Chairman Mr Luca Mariorenzi promoted the creation of a new working group on “E-Ticketing and Dematerialisation” with the joint participation of the chairs of the different subgroups: NRT (Non Integrated Reservation Tickets), IRT (Integrated Reservation Tickets), EWT (East-West Tariffs), TAG (Ticket Action Group), REG (Reservation Expert Group) and TAP-MD (Passenger Messages Management group).

The working group foresees the cooperation of both Commercial and Technical subject matter experts in order to meet both technical and commercial needs.
This new working group was assigned to the Director of Passenger Department Mr Marc Guigon, who also attended the meeting, to design the future Dematerialised International E-Ticketing within the UIC community.

The principle stated during the kick-off session in Bern at the CIT premises, was that mobile technologies of today already allow the adoption of “Security In System - SIS” ticketing in international, multi-carrier and multi ticket-controlling organisations scenario. This principle requires adequate standardisation of interfaces between the allocating systems and the TCO’s Ticket Controlling organisations.

The next meeting of the working group is planned for 5 and 6 March in Brussels with the joint participation of the main subject matter experts from the Commercial and Technical Group subgroups.

The group will complete the design of the new e-ticket by 2018 (8 meetings planned) and produce the technical and architectural specifications.
The meeting in Bern was attended by:

The Director of the UIC Passenger Department Mr Marc Guigon, the Chair of Technical Group Mr Luca Mariorenzi, CIT Senior Advisor Mr Jan Svennson, UIC Senior Advisor Mr Fabrice Setta, the Chair of NRT Group Mrs Natasha Hooft, Mr Matthias Blume of SBB, Mr Christian Aerts of SNCB and the chairmen of TAG Mr David Sarfatti, REG MR Jan Klaumuentzer, TAP-MD Mr Clemens Gantert and TSG Mr Kurt de Vriendt.

For further information please contact Marc Guigon, Director of the UIC Passenger Department:

guigon at uic.org

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