Tuesday 12 June 2018

Calendar of USIC international railway sports activities to be published over the coming months

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In the framework of the MoU signed in 2016 in Rome between UIC and USIC, the International Railway Sports Association, the USIC Board has decided to send the UIC Newsletter to all its members and to publish it on the USIC homepage.

For their part, UIC has decided to publish in the UIC newsletter the USIC sports championships calendar of the coming months, in order to reflect the sports activities of USIC. Henceforth, all readers of the UIC newsletter will be kept informed of the international railway sports activities.

  • Football Qualifying Round D: Germany - Duisburg - 03-07 June 2018
  • Football Qualifying Round A: Denmark- Lalandia Rodby - 20-24 June 2018
  • Marathon Men and Women: Czech Republic - Prague - 11-14 October 2018
  • Cycling: India - Bikener - 12-16 November 2018

For further information please contact Dominique Paget, USIC President:

usic.president at gmail.com

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