Tuesday 12 June 2018

Rail security network of quick responders – high participation rate in the FFCCTV survey

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The network of quick responders has been implemented since April 2017 and gives the members of the UIC security platform the possibility to exchange fast information about arising security questions. If a member has an upcoming security topic, the UIC Security platform circulates these questions among their members. After around three weeks the questioner and all the responders receive a summary with an initial overview of the current situation. Further activities will be organised regarding the member feedback.

Since its creation, the members have already used the network seven times to ask their questions regarding:

  • Awareness of radicalised employees
  • Use of air drones
  • Extremist religion related attacks
  • Attacks against maintenance staff
  • Anti-smoking policy at railway stations
  • Security of women in railway transport

The last survey relates to the use of forward facing closed circuit cameras (FFCCTV), which was carried out together with UITP. Punctuality is one of the priority goals of railway companies. Therefore, different measures to shorten processes, like in the case of an incident on the tracks, will be proofed. As a technical solution, FFCCTV can provide the police with critical fatality investigation information. Thus, decision making processes could be accelerated and reduce investigation time.

27 companies participated and answered questions regarding use, fleet-equipment, purpose, data protection and transmission, regulations as well as experience with FFCCTV. According to the member knowledge, FFCCTV helps to record the occurrences with users, being possible to analyse the different cases, to implement improvements and, above all, to respond to requests from the Department of Justice.

In the light of the high request of the responders, the UIC Security Division will continue to work on the topic with interested responders in cooperation with UITP. To exchange and discuss various aspects, UIC will organise a one-day-event in September 2018.

Within the EU funded RESTRAIL project (Reduction of Suicides and Trespasses on RAILway property – Duration: Oct. 2011 – Sept. 2014) was a toolbox developed, which already contains recommendations for the use of FFCCTV. The aim of this project was to help reduce the occurrence of suicides and trespasses on railway property and the costly service disruption these events cause. The toolbox is available at the following link: http://restrail.eu/toolbox/spip.php?article125.
Among the many topics of the network of quick responders is also this year’s UIC Security Week, which will take place from 18 – 21 June 2018 in Paris. CBRNE threats, Cybersecurity, staff and public awareness as well as Business Continuity Management will be themes. The whole agenda with more details are available at https://events.uic.org/uic-security-week-2018.

If you are interested in participating in the UIC-Security week or you want to know more about the network of quick responders, please contact Kathrin Faber:

faber at uic.org

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