Tuesday 19 June 2018

ATTI: Key for Freight Interoperability

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The annual General Assembly of the ATTI special group was held on 12 June at UIC in Paris.

The ATTI (Agreement on freight Train Transfer Inspection) group was founded in 2014 and now has more than 100 European Railway Undertakings as members. The purpose of the group is to facilitate the transfer of wagons between participating Rus, reducing time and cost.

The GA approved the Strategy for the coming years for:

  • An efficient implementation of more interoperable, safer services
  • A complete quality control loop with optimal use of resources
  • The implementation of an ATTI quality standard
  • The application of certified procedures

Benefiting from digital solutions and technical innovation.

The GA also decided to extend the Quality Management System to not only cover the technical train inspection but also the quality of train operation and dangerous goods in close collaboration with the respective UIC groups.

For further information please contact Patrick Mantell, Senior Freight Advisor:

mantell at uic.org

Or visit: https://uic.org/atti, atti at uic.org

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