Tuesday 19 June 2018

Commuter and Regional Train Services (CRTS) working group meeting held on 14 June 2018 in Paris

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The latest meeting of Commuter and Regional Train Services (CRTS) group was held on 14 June at UIC Paris Headquarters. There were representatives of PKP SKM, Korail, BLS, Renfe, Euskotren and FCG. UIC was represented by Mr Marc Guigon, Director of the Passenger Department, Clément Gautier, Fabrice Setta and Amin Saadaoui and Vanessa Pérez, from the same department and Kathrin Faber from the Security Department.

The meeting had two main focuses regarding the topics of the triannual main activities of the group:

  • Training on CRTS: analysis of the excellent feedback of the last CRTS Training that was held in Warsaw, kindly organised by PKP S.A. and proposal for the organisation of the fourth Training on Commuter and Regional Trains Services that was planned to be held at the beginning of June 2019 in Barcelona, hosted by FGC.
  • Handbook on CRTS: Over the next few months, the group will continue working in a continuous process of comparative evaluation of products, services and processes common to the railway operators of commuter and regional trains in collaboration with other UIC departments like Safety and Security and other organisations such as UITP.

During this meeting the general organisation and chapters of the handbook were approved and the first discussion on the chapter about “Ticketing” took place.

This group is open to all UIC members, so do not hesitate to contact us should you wish to participate.

For further information please contact Clarisse Kapferer, Advisor for the UIC Passenger Department:

kapferer at uic.org

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