Tuesday 24 July 2018

UIC will hold the 12th UIC Workshop on Railway Noise & Vibrations in Paris on 19 March 2019, at its Headquarters

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UIC will hold the 12th UIC Workshop on Railway Noise & Vibrations in Paris on 19 March 2019.

Towards the end of 2018 a major milestone in European railway noise control is expected to be implemented: the revised TSI Noise will provide a framework for quieter railway freight vehicles. While this is a significant step, not all noise issues will be solved. Therefore, it is appropriate to ask: What next? How much more noise mitigation do we need and how can it be achieved?

The planned UIC noise event will provide information on the TSI Noise revision as well as other topics such as the guidance on noise from the World Health Organization (WHO) and issues concerning the Environmental Noise Directive (END). The workshop will furthermore provide numerous examples of what individual railways and countries plan to do next as well as current (e.g. Shift2Rail) and needed research. Finally, an overview of current vibration issues will be given.

As in previous years, speakers will be invited to represent the major stakeholders, including UIC, CER, the European Commission (DG MOV & DG ENV), WHO working groups as well as representatives from the individual railways and countries. External views from outside the railway noise world will also be sought. Opportunities will be provided for participants to ask questions directly to European Commission policy officers and other key stakeholders as well as to discuss the current issues.

Opportunities will be provided for participants to pose questions directly to key stakeholders as well as to discuss the current issues.

There is no charge for participation, however places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

To register and find updates on the programme, please click here:


For further information please contact Marie-Luz Philippe, Advisor for Sustainable Development & UIC Middle-East Region:

philippe at uic.org

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