Tuesday 4 September 2018

UIC governance: Gianluigi Castelli, Chairman of Italian Railways FS Group, is new Chairman of UIC

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Mr Jean-Pierre Loubinoux, Director General of UIC, is pleased to announce the appointment of Gianluigi Castelli, Chairman of the Group Ferrovie dello Stato, as Chair of UIC:

Since our last General Assembly in Madrid, I hope you all had a good summer.
During these summer months, some changes have occurred within our International railway community.
All of them are naturally dealt with in the frame and rules of our Association to ensure its stability and continuity.
One of these changes happened in Italy with the nomination of a complete new board of the FS group.
Renato Mazzoncini himself wrote to all of us to announce that this regrettably would also end his current personal chairmanship of UIC.
I first wish to pay tribute to his input for our association with visionary orientation and a very concrete contribution of the FS group.
This through the participation in many projects and in particular also the organisation of a General Assembly and a first digital conference in Rome, the World Congress for Rail Research and the 1st global conference on Telecom and signalling in Milan, the Global Rail Freight conference in Genoa.
FS group has confirmed its highest involvement in UIC by naming Gianluigi Castelli, who is the chairman of the group, to follow Renato as chair of UIC.
So according to our statutes and traditions, the current chairmanship of UIC is kept by FS and TCDD, Mr Isa Apaydin, as vice chair.
Let me congratulate Mr Castelli who is not unknown to UIC, as he has been supporting Renato Mazzoncini in a number of research projects, and bringing his digital professional experience in a number of our actions.
I am totally confident and will do everything I can, so that the orientations made so far by Renato Mazzoncini will be kept and enhanced by Gianluigi Castelli.
His position within FS, his professional experience, and his motivation will certainly be a great asset for our railway community worldwide in the years to come.

Jean-Pierre Loubinoux

Gianluigi Castelli is the Chairman of the Board of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, CEO of Nugo S.p.A and Associate Professor of Practice with SDA Bocconi and Director of the SDA Bocconi DEVO Lab.

From September 2016 to July 2018 he was Executive Vice President of Innovation and Information Systems of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane and CEO of Nugo S.p.A.
Until February 2015 he was Eni’s Executive VP & CIO, where he led a large ICT Transformation programme and initiated a digitisation programme of the entire company named Eni Digital Enterprise.

From 2001 to 2006 he worked for Vodafone Group: initially as Vodafone Italy CIO, then CTO, then Global IT Director, with the goal of integrating the IT infrastructures and key applications of the operating companies within the Group.
From 1997 to 2001 he worked for Fiat Group, first as Fiat Auto’s CIO, then as CEO and Managing Director of Fiat’s IT service company (GSA).
From 1978 to 1997 he worked for Etnoteam where his last assignment was Head of the System Integration Division.
Also, between 1978 and 1997 he was a researcher with the Information Science Department of the University of Milan.
Between 2006 and 2014 he was Adjunct Professor with the Business School of the Politecnico di Milano (MIP) and an ELIS Fellow.
He was involved in the creation and initial management of a few start-ups.
He won the European Commission Information Technology European Award in 1995, the EUCIP Champion Award in 2009 and the Oracle Excellence Award – CIO of the Year EMEA in 2013.
Between 2009 and 2015 he also served as chairman of the Italian branch of EuroCIO, the European CIO Association.

For further information please contact the UIC Communications Department:

com at uic.org

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Gianluigi Castelli has been appointed the new UIC Chairman © FS Italiane