Wednesday 20 October 2021

Agenda for the UIMC Congress to be held online on 19 November

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The annual UIMC Congress provides a platform for international exchange of experience, updates on advances in railway medicine through the presentation of scientific papers, and the development of projects and creation of working groups. In Europe, UIMC collaborates closely with the Community of European Railways (CER) with a view to harmonising provisions relating to medical fitness in cross-border traffic for interoperability purposes.

The UIMC therefore invites all UIC member railways whose medical services are not yet represented to cooperate within or with the UIMC. All forms of membership from all continents are welcome, including railway company observer status or membership through umbrella organisations. The UIC contact in Paris is Frédéric Hénon, Head of Operations and Safety.

The next UIMC Congress will be held online on 19 November from 12:00 to 15:00.

The event programme is outlined below:

12:00 Opening by UIMC Chairman Christian Gravert

Session A: Occupational medicine

Plenary chair: Armand Casolin

12:05 Alan Bray (guest speaker from SWIMS Ltd & Hyperbaric Tunnelling and Medical Services Ltd, UK): Modern challenges of tunnelling through water-logged strata

12:25 Marie-Frédérique Laurence (RATP Paris): Process of integrating an exoskeleton and presentation of the tests carried out in the RATP railway maintenance workshop

12:45 Amelie Debatisse, Kirushanthi Sakthithasan, Valérie Jouannique (RATP Paris): Particle and metal exposure in the Parisian subway: results of the pilot study of the ROBOCOP project

13:05 Short break

Session B: Covid-19 and the railways

Plenary chair: Alexandra Hedenetz

13:10 Etso Kasahara (East Japan Railway): Support for the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics and EJR’s experience during the pandemic

13:30 Lucie Juhel (RATP Paris): Experience of the Covid-19 pandemic among employees of a public transport company: study of its repercussions for self-reported levels of stress and satisfaction, analysis of work modalities and psychosocial risk factors at work during the first lockdown

13:50 Samantha Phillips (Transport for London): Study of deaths in bus drivers as a result of Covid-19

14:10 Manuela Huetten (BVG Germany): Short review of the results of measurements of aerosol distribution in trams, underground and transport and buses

Session C: Outlook – what’s next?

Plenary chair: Christian Gravert

14:30 Declan Whelan (Irish Rail): Climate change and health – what occupational physicians need to know and do

14:50 Final questions, closing remarks

15:00 End of meeting

For further information, please contact Frédéric Hénon, UIC Head of Operations and Safety at henon at

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