Tuesday 5 July 2022

Gabon’s Rail Transport Regulatory Authority (ARTF) visits the UIC HQ

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On June 28, an ARTF delegation headed by Patrice Nendjot, the Executive Secretary, visited the UIC HQ to meet with François Davenne.

During this discussion, François Davenne underlined UIC’s willingness to support the regulatory authority’s work. In turn, Patrice Nendjot highlighted ARTF’s commitment to working on UIC Africa regional projects. Both sides identified common work areas including rolling stock maintenance and adapting to climate change.

Among the possible areas for collaboration, Christian Chavanel, the UIC Rail System Director, noted the possibility for UIC to help ARTF with their need to increase their staff’s skills for better track monitoring and auditing, railway equipment, renewal of rolling stock, and for safety.

UIC together with both of its members in Gabon, SETRAG and ARTF, will participate in the UNFCCC African Climate Week organised this year in Libreville, from 29 August to 1 September to showcase and highlight the role of railways and sustainable mobility as part of solutions for climate change in Africa, https://unfccc.int/ACW2022.

For more information about UIC Africa please contact Maria Lafont: lafont at uic.org