Tuesday 31 August 2021

In autumn 2021 UIC, in partnership with SWJTU, is organising two online “Train the Trainers” training sessions.

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The first session, “How to hold a Hackathon”, will be held on Thursday 23 September 2021. The second session will be held on 21 October 2021 and will focus on “How to innovate in a Hackathon”.

The purpose of these training sessions is to improve the capacity of universities, corporate or independent training centres, and/or HR departments to offer training and practice in Hackathons, a popular and attractive event amongst younger generations.

The session of 23 September on “How to hold a Hackathon” will review the different steps required for the smooth running of a Hackathon. It will therefore target organising committee members and all staff involved in the different stages of organising a Hackathon (teachers, professors, administrative staff, etc.)
The online training session will be very much based on case studies, as outlined below:

  • Hackathon cases: Introducing the history, form, significance and the spirit of the Hackathon through case studies.
  • How to hold a Hackathon: Introducing the process of Hackathon organisation using case studies.
  • Workshop: Referring back to the Hackathon preparation process introduced in the previous section, brainstorming and group discussions to work out a general design of the TrainRail Hackathon competition for each region.

For further information and registration, please go to https://uic.org/events/train-the-trainers-sessions-1-2.

This training is free for partners of the first TrainRail Hackathon 2021-2022. More information about the TrainRail Hackathon can be found at https://railtalent.org/.

For further information, please contact Nathalie Amirault at amirault at uic.org