Tuesday 9 February 2021

Interfaces and Interaction between Infrastructure Subsystem and Rolling Stock (TTI) sector board meeting held on 3 February

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The TTI Sector represents the intersection of rolling stock and infrastructure within the UIC Railway System Department (RSD). Its main purpose is to study the interaction and interfaces between the various technical subsystems by means of a systemic and holistic approach. Its activities are aimed at optimising the operational, economic and environmental efficiency of the railway system, ensuring its safety and improving interoperability https://uic.org/rail-system/train-track-interaction/ . The TTI Sector is currently chaired by Pierre-Etienne Gautier, Director of BIM and Digital Twin/Continuity at SNCF Réseau.

The sector board meeting took place on 3 February via web conference, with more than 20 participants from ADIF, DB, HS2, Network Rail, RFI, RSSB, SNCF and Trafikverket in attendance.

The first session was opened by the RSD Director, Christian Chavanel, and the Sector Chairman, and was devoted to the work programme for the next three years.

Mr Chavanel’s opening speech focused on the new RSD strategy and ToR approved by the UIC GA in December. Bernd Rositzka was introduced to the members as the new Head of Infrastructure, and Michel Kunz as the new Railway System Forum Chairman.

Later, the recent publication of the new IRS 50505-1: Railway transport stock - Rolling stock construction gauge, which includes a new specific application part for OSJD, was announced. For more information, please visit https://www.shop-etf.com/en/railway-transport-stock-rolling-stock-construction-gauge-9606.

Participants also learned of the latest details of the ‘UIC Noise Days’ webinar taking place on 23-24 February: https://uic.org/events/uic-railway-noise-days . The second day of the webinar will focus on promoting the sector’s activities (particularly the White Paper on Acoustics: https://www.shop-etf.com/en/train-track-interaction-sector-acoustics) and proposing and defining technical topics for further research. This event will include speakers from infrastructure managers (IMs) and railway undertakings (RUs), as well as Shift2Rail, universities and laboratories.

The sector board decided to create a dedicated new subgroup on railway dynamics and gauges, similar to the subgroup for aerodynamics and acoustics. The new subgroup will comprise highly skilled experts in track/vehicle interaction to ensure steering of further activities in this field.

UIC’s advisors provided information on the results for the 2021 opt-in projects within the sector: DYNMEASURE, which focuses on dynamic railway measurement systems at the trackside and on board, and G-CODE, which aims to propose a new, harmonised methodology for calculation of the clearance gauge. Both projects have been approved by the RSF, and kick-off meeting dates will be announced soon.

The second part of the meeting was entirely devoted to the five projects currently underway within the sector. The respective coordinators and technical leaders presented the current status of each project:

  • Y/Q project to assess the effect of train running instabilities on track, presented by Yann Bezin of the University at Huddersfield,
  • HARMO-TRACK project, which aims to harmonise data formats and thresholds for track geometry and dynamic measurements, presented by Danilo Sorrentino of SNCF,
  • SAFIRST project for sidewind assessment for infrastructure and rolling stock, presented by Terence Johnson of RSSB,
  • CROSS-T: a project aimed at ensuring safe train operations when crossing in mixed traffic lines, presented by David Mirayo of UIC RSD,
  • AERONOISE project, which focuses on developing an improved noise emission measurement method for high-speed trains, presented by Mercedes Gutiérrez of UIC RSD.

The meeting was closed by the Chairman, Pierre-Etienne Gautier, who thanked the participants for an interesting and efficient session.

For further information, please contact David Mirayo: mirayo at uic.org, Infrastructure and TTI Senior Advisor.