Monday 19 December 2022

PROACTIVE strengthens its synergies with other EU-funded projects

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The EU-funded H2020 project PROACTIVE led by the UIC Security Division had a busy Autumn 2022 whereby it reinforced synergies with other EU projects focusing on Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and explosive (CBRNe) risks and threats.

In September, PROACTIVE attended the final demonstration and training of the EU funded ISFP project BULLSEYE, which focuses on how to prevent terrorist attacks using CBRN agents. The cross sector, multi-agency exercise took place on 20 September 2022 and brought together first, second and third line responders from several EU countries during a terrorist attack scenario which employed both active shooter and chemical elements. PROACTIVE was able to learn valuable lessons about Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) and evidence collection in a hazardous environment.

October was a particularly busy month. To start, UIC presented the PROACTIVE work based on the C-MIST framework at the EU funded project CORE’s webinar on vulnerability. The presentation highlighted how PROACTIVE uses cocreation methodologies to include vulnerable groups in the project research and innovation activities. Further synergies with the CORE project were also explored.

Then, PROACTIVE was invited to attend two events hosted by fellow EU H2020 projects: a pilot demonstration of the INTREPID project and the final conference of the FIRE-IN project. UIC as project coordinator took the lead in furthering the synergies with these projects. During the INTREPID pilot in Marseille, France, discussions were held on how the two projects could integrate the innovative technologies such as wearables, drones or pathfinders that INTREPID is developing for first responders and the crisis communication tools PROACTIVE is developing for the public at large. At the FIRE-IN Final Conference, UIC presented the overall goals of the PROACTIVE project and discussed ways in which to benefit from the FIRE-IN project’s work on CBRNe.

In November, project partner PPI (Population Protection Institute, Czech Republic) showcased the PROACTIVE mobile application developed for CBRNe preparedness during a training for firefighters in Paraguay and Bolivia. The mobile app was co-created with both practitioners and citizens and follows the principles of universal design.

PROACTIVE also participated in the Community of European Research and Innovation for Security (CERIS) conference in Brussels, Belgium. UIC explained how PROACTIVE is putting people at the heart of CBRNe preparedness & response through (1) a public facing, CBRNe information sharing app and (2) by bringing in the public at large, including vulnerable groups, to role play victims during training exercises. Valeria Bricola, Secure Society Head of Unit from the European Research Executive Agency (REA), complimented PROACTIVE and its video about the first field exercise for an excellent job.

Furthermore, PROACTIVE held its second field training exercise together with EU funded H2020 project eNOTICE. Read more about it in this dedicated eNews article. PROACTIVE partners are now hard at work analysing the data collected during this exercise.

The new year will begin with a PROACTIVE Progress Meeting in January and publication of the results from the exercise soon thereafter. The PROACTIVE project would like to take advantage of this eNews article to wish all our readers a very happy holiday season and a joyful new year.

The PROACTIVE project (PReparedness against CBRNE threats through cOmmon Approaches between security praCTItioners and the VulnerablE civil society) has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 832981.

PROACTIVE can be followed on Twitter (@PROACTIVE_EU) as well as on LinkedIn ( and the project website

For further information, please contact Grigore Havarneanu (PROACTIVE Project Coordinator) at havarneanu at

or Laura Petersen (Senior Security Research Advisor) at petersen at

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During the EU BULLSEYE project final demonstration and training of their harmonized response procedure, the Belgian Federal Police took the lead in evidence collection in a hazardous environment.
Grigore Havarneanu, Senior Research Advisory at UIC and PROACTIVE Coordinator, presents the PROACTIVE project at the CORE webinar.
The INTREPID pilot was held at the “Marins-pompiers de Marseille” training center, pictured here.
Laura Petersen, Senior Security Research Advisor at UIC, presents the PROACTIVE project at the FIRE-IN Final Conference in Nîmes.
Alan Gavel presents the PROACTIVE App during the CBRN training organised by PPI in South America.
Laura Petersen, Senior Security Research Advisor at UIC, presents the PROACTIVE project during the CERIS event in Brussels.