Monday 16 January 2023

The 3rd UIC Energy Saving Taskforce meeting is held online

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In light of soaring energy prices and increased supply insecurity, in November 2022, UIC invited its members to take part in a focused and collective effort to find and share effective ways to save energy and reduce costs on the railways.

Around 40 participants from all across Europe, as well as from China and Japan participated in the 3rd edition of this online meeting, moderated by Lucie Anderton, Head of the UIC Sustainability Platform, and Alain Scherrer, Head of the UIC Rolling Stock Department.

Three representatives of UIC members discussed their respective energy programmes and solutions:

  • Matthias Tuchschmid and Matthias Rücker presented the SBB energy saving programme
  • Takuya Yamawaki from the East Japan Railway Company gave an overview of the JR East’s business and vision concerning its energy plan
  • Lastly, Denzel Collins also presented Network Rail’s Energy Programme

Philippe Stefanos, Senior Advisor to the UIC Sustainability Platform, also presented the outcomes of the UIC workshop regarding eco-stabling.

The group is currently collecting and compiling a library of information and documents to produce concrete measures and guidelines to be used by the railway sector.

If you wish to participate in the Taskforce, please fill in the form and/or share it with any of your contacts who would be interested in this collective effort at:

Results from the taskforce’s work will be presented in a workshop at UIC in Paris on 1 March 2023.

The agenda for the one-day event will be published soon. For more information, and to secure your place, please visit:

For any further questions or for contribution proposals to the Taskforce’s meetings, please email: EnergySavingTF at

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