Thursday 9 February 2023

The EU REPAIR project progress meeting held in Ljubljana

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The EU-funded REPAIR project, led by UIC, held its progress meeting on 19-20 January 2023 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, with partners from 5 companies and organisations, namely the Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias, the Fachhochschule St Poelten Gmbh, the Institut für partizipative Sozialforschung, Reconnaître - Open Recognition Alliance, and Slovenske Železnice, attending the meeting in-person.

The REPAIR (Recognising Emerging Practices Anticipating Industry Renewal) Framework is designed to construct a systematic approach to help guide activities which support the rail sector’s contribution to the United Nations 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is currently testing how a new digital method for recognising skills and activities, through a “badge”, can be used to increase railway sustainability.

The method will complement the UIC Rail Sustainability Index (RSI), which provides UIC members with a unique rating system and a supportive digital platform based on the United Nations’ SDGs to assess the performance of each railway against a selection of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The RSI therefore serves as a benchmark which measures the railway industry’s commitment to fighting climate change and to improving society. It is aimed at professionals, specialists, and the organisations in which they work.

The meeting started by analysing the results of a survey conducted in Slovenia and Spain as well as within the UIC network, and updating the status of the badge creation progress. The discussions were very productive as the partners were able to share developments and reflect on them in a collective sense while also organising further badge creation events to further the project and working on preparation to create the Open Badge website. A badge creation workshop will be held as part of the UIC Sustainability Action Week between 27 February and 2 March 2023 at the UIC headquarters in Paris, France. Please save the date and register now for your free place!

Many thanks to Slovenske Železnice Izobraževalni Center (the Training Centre of Slovenian Railways) for hosting the meeting in Ljubljana.

The next progress meeting will take place online on 13 February 2023 to work on the preparation of the badge creation workshop and testing the website.

This project has received funding from the European Union under grant agreement No 20202020-1-FR01-KA202-080392

For more information, please contact Meryem Belhaj-Clot, Deputy HR Director, Head of HR Development and REPAIR Project Coordinator, at belhaj-clot at

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REPAIR members at the Slovenske Železnice Izobraževalni Center (the Training Centre of Slovenian Railways) in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Sž Training Centre Virtual Reality