Monday 14 December 2020

The opportunities for railways in digital platforms and the future of urban mobility services

This web conference, live on #lesscars, was organised on 3 December 2020

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Full integration between different mobility services can be achieved using Mobility as a Service (MaaS) platforms.

MaaS platforms offer the capability to smoothly combine multiple mobility solutions from origin to destination (train legs included) and to pay for the entire journey with a single transaction. The platforms have the added benefit of real-time information along the journey that reacts instantly in times of disruption and delay, providing alternative routes.

To make the necessary shift away from road and combustion engines, it is essential that more passengers find rail and other public transport easy to use and convenient.

In a post-Covid world, we have the opportunity to #buildbackbetter and rebuild confidence in public transport with the travelling public. How can MaaS help rail to meet this challenge?

In the opening session, Ms Lucie Anderton, Head of Sustainability Unit at UIC, presented UIC’s work and Mr Raimondo Orsini, Director of the Sustainable Development Foundation, presented the project’s background.

The opening session also explored MaaS technology for more sustainable transport and its role in transport decarbonisation. Piia Karjalainen (MaaS Alliance), Daria Kuzmina (Railway Unit Manager, UITP) and Juan José Montero Pascual (Professor at Florence School of Regulation (EUI) & UNED University) discussed the matter during a fruitful panel session.

Session One, moderated by Mr Orsini, provided a great opportunity to present best practices and success stories, inspiring future opportunities. Rail companies and MaaS providers gave an overview of their solutions, experiences and challenges in the field of Mobility as a Service. The session also included an overview of the MaaS solutions already launched and online.

Speakers included:

  • Camille Vedel, MaaS Project Manager, Transdev, France
  • Jean-Baptiste Goujon, SNCF, France
  • Renzo Iorio, CEO, NUGO - FS Group, Italy
  • Rahel Kaenel, SBB, Switzerland
  • Bruno Espinar, Manager of Mobility 4.0 and Digital Innovation, RENFE, Spain
  • Joubert Flores, CEO, ANPTrilhos, Brazil
  • Kees Miedema, Programme Manager Transport Chain Mobility at NS Stations, Netherlands

Session Two was moderated by Vanessa Pérez Miranda, Senior Advisor Passenger Department and project manager of the CRTS (Commuter and Regional Train Services) UIC sector. This session focused on railways as the backbone of a sustainable transport system for the future of urban mobility.

Rail professionals from different parts of the world shared their approach on major topics such as customer experience, services adapted to PRMs (Persons with Reduced Mobility) and the general challenges and opportunities for sustainable mobility in the commuter and regional train services of the future.

Speakers included:

  • Yasunari Nakashima, Japan Railways, Paris Office Director, Japan
  • Catherine Langlais, Senior Advisor in Universal Accessibility, VIARAIL, Canada
  • Christophe Vander Elst, Project Manager Innovation Lab, SNCB, Belgium
  • Theodoros Tolias, Passenger Director, Trainose, Greece

All presentation are available here:

For more information please get in touch with Marie-Luz Philippe at: philippe at or Vanessa Pérez Miranda: perez at

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