Tuesday 13 July 2021

Today, the UIC has launched a Task Force relating to the “safety barrier”.

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This task force follows the decision of the UIC Safety Platform plenary meeting of March 2021.

In the railway community, there is not yet a common understanding of the concept of a “safety barrier”, nor is there a common method for qualifying or assessing the performance of such “safety barriers”.

The purpose of the task force is to possibly suggest a common definition, a common method for assessment, which are the necessary first steps to be achieved before proposing a taxonomy that can be fully shared for collective learning, and to produce updated international railway solutions and guidance.

RENFE, SNCB (BELGIANTRAIN), INFRABEL, SNCF, PRORAIL and RZD are all part of this task force. The next meetings of the task force will be held on 24th August, 21st September, 19th October, 25th November and 14th December.

This task force is open to all UIC members. To join us, please contact Frédéric Hénon, Head of Operations and Safety at UIC at henon@uic.org

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