Tuesday 11 July 2023

UIC Rail Academy is launching its first online training courses on FRMCS

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One of the key elements of success is developing the necessary skills of engineers well in advance of the start of deployment. This approach has triggered the creation of the UIC Rail Academy, whose first two online training courses will be held in July. These are FRMCS Overview focusing on the global system view and FRMCS Engineering which develops more thoroughly some fundamental sub-parts of the FRMCS system.
However, the UIC Rail Academy will, of course, develop more training courses in the next period.

FRMCS Overview – 18-19 July

Objective of the course

This course provides information for the main constituents to introduce the FRMCS system. It is recommended for operations engineers or technical project managers. It outlines the need for FRMCS, driven by GSM-R obsolescence, introduces the UIC specifications and the ETSI and 3GPP standards that are required for FRMCS, highlights the current radio spectrum allocations and how FRMCS and GSM-R may co-exist in the rollout phase, explains the 5G technology and the Mission Critical communications and explains the overall FRMCS reference architecture based on the UIC specifications.

Course contents

  • FRMCS – An Introduction
  • FRMCS Requirements
  • Spectrum Issues
  • FRMCS Reference Architecture
  • 5G
  • Mission Critical Communications

Register now here

An early bird fee is available.

FRMCS Engineering – 24-27 July

Objective of the course

This course is recommended to engineers who might be involved in the design and/or deployment of the FRMCS system. Thanks to the usage of the UIC specifications, it provides a deeper analysis of each block of the FRMCS architecture, analyses all the challenges related to the spectrum demand and provides a more thorough knowledge of 5G, IMS and Mission Critical communications.

Topic areas include

  • FRMCS – An Introduction
  • FRMCS Reference Architecture
  • FRMCS On-Board Architecture
  • FRMCS Addressing
  • Common Functions and Applications
  • 5G
  • The IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)
  • Mission Critical Push to Talk (MCPTT)
  • Mission Critical Data (MCDATA)
  • Mission Critical Video (MCVIDEO)
  • Radio Spectrum and Coverage

Register now here

An early bird fee is available.

The next courses will be held in September at UIC headquarters.
More information here

More information: https://uic.org/com/IMG/pdf/frmcs_engineering.pdf

For further information, please contact academy at uic.org

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