Tuesday 30 November 2010

International Level Crossing Awareness Day (ILCAD)

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Due to the great success encountered by this worldwide education campaign held on 22 June 2010 with the common message “Act safely at level crossings”, aiming to raise road users’ and pedestrians’ awareness of the risks of level crossings and change their behaviour, it has been unanimously decided by the ILCAD partners to continue this collaborative effort in 2011 on a larger scale.

At the end of September a questionnaire was sent to all ILCAD partners to choose the most suitable date. And as a result we are most happy to announce that the next ILCAD edition will be held on 9 June 2011.

For more information on the past campaign please watch the EC-financed video http://www.ilcad.eu/spip.php?article8 and visit the dedicated website: http://www.ilcad.org

Last but not least our partner in Estonia, Operation Lifesaver Estonia (OLE) www.ole.ee – a non-profit and non-governmental organisation making education campaigns to reduce collisions, deaths and injuries at road/rail interfaces in Estonia – offers the possibility to all ILCAD partners to use the poster they have just created for their annual Christmas campaign and allow other ILCAD partners to use it and adapt it to their own company. The posters, shown at bus stations, on street billboards and in passenger trains, are usually accompanied by radio spots and a special video shown on TV. Please watch the OLE 2010 Christmas video: http://www.operationlifesaver.eu/id/2010/joul/eng/

For information the ILCAD 2011 kick-off meeting will take place on 18 January 2011 in Brussels. Should you be interested in attending this meeting and join ILCAD please do not hesitate to contact fonverne at uic.org


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