Tuesday 11 February 2020

UIC attends and assists ERA/OSJD Contact Group meeting held from 21 – 23 January 2020 in Warsaw

Rail System, Standardisation Development and APRA Regional Interfaces

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The 53rd meeting of the ERA-OSJD Contact Group on the analysis of EU and non-EU interlinked rail systems was held from 21 – 23 January 2020 in Warsaw.

The meeting was attended by representatives from OSJD Member States: Kazakhstan, Latvian Republic, Lithuanian Republic, Republic of Poland, Russian Federation, Ukraine as well as representatives of OJSD Committee, ERA, UIC and CIS CRT.

ERA-OSJD analysis on interlinked rail systems

ERA & OSJD & UIC experts attended the ERA/OSJD Contact group meeting.

On behalf of Mr Francois Davenne, UIC Director General, the UIC delegation voiced support in favour of the coordination within frameworks of EU & EEU Technical Regulations while suggesting UIC expertise and contribution linked to UIC Leaflets & IRS to be used for ERA-OSJD documents under development.

The meeting adopted the agenda and discussed the following items:
1. Analysis of the parameters of the subsystem “Telematic applications for freight service (TAF)”
2. Analysis of the parameters of the subsystem “Noise”
3. Updating of Analysis of the subsystem “Energy supply”
4. Updating of Analysis of subsystems “Locomotives and multiple units rolling stock” and “Passenger cars”
5. Exchange on practical experience and coordination of provisions for the existing technical & operational compatibility on EU / non-EU boarder to be saved & improved

During discussions UIC Leaflets or/and ERA Technical Documents (elaborated and based on UIC Leaflets) were addressed and referenced within the analyses above.

IRS – the solution for international corridors

A specific discussion was held on unified standards to be elaborated and used within international transport corridors. Such a solution could be developed within the relevant international platform. We know positively that International Railway Solutions (IRS) being produced by the UIC Standardisation Platform are the most suitable technical solutions to be applied within the Eurasian (international) context. Therefore, UIC would like to suggest and invite to closer cooperation and technical exchange to be intensified within activities on further coordination and development of IRS.

The next ERA-OSJD meeting is scheduled to be held from 24 – 26 March 2020 in Lille, France.

For further information please contact Vytautas Kinderis, Standardisation & East/West Relations Coordinator:

kinderis at uic.org