Tuesday 2 June 2020

Eight days to go to ILCAD!

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Due to the worldwide Covid-19 outbreak, the launch conference of ILCAD (International Level Crossing Awareness Day) was postponed to 2021.

  • Nevertheless, we have decided to stick on the fixed date, 11 June 2020 to celebrate the 12th edition of the worldwide campaign and organise on this occasion a half-a-day web-conference in English from 13:00 to 16:30 (GMT+2).
    To register click here. The conference will be only in English.
    The programme will be posted on www.ilcad.org
  • For your information it was also decided lately to co-organise with UTN (Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – National Technological University in Buenos Aires, Argentina), one of the active ILCAD partners an online conference on Level Crossing Safety (web-conferencia sobre la seguridad en los pasos a nivel =PAN) in Spanish, following the first ILCAD conference in English.

The conference in Spanish shall take place also on 11 June from 17:00 to 19:15 (GMT+2) or 12:00 TO 14:15 in Buenos Aires.
The programme and registration form will be posted on www.ilcad.org and on www.frba.utn.edu.ar

What is ILCAD?

ILCAD, led by UIC, brings together railway industry representatives, road authorities, academics and more from around the world. ILCAD aims to raise awareness about the dangers associated with the road/rail interfaces (level crossings).

ILCAD is a joint commitment that began in 2009 with ELCAD (EU countries and Israel). Since then, UIC has been coordinating this worldwide event to raise public awareness about the dangers at level crossings.

Visit: www.ilcad.org

During both conferences, please do not hesitate to share on social media using
#ilcad #UICrail #saferlc

For further information please contact Isabelle Fonverne, Senior Advisor, Safety and Interoperability: fonverne at uic.org

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