Customer Experience Management Platform

Project information

  • Acronym: CEMP
  • Customer Experience Management Platform
  • Project Director: Bertrand Minary
  • Project Manager: Vanessa Perez
  • Status: On going project
  • Project code: 2022/PAS/739

Project description

It is one of the stereotypes in the corporate world of our time that everything a company does must be subordinated to one goal in addition to pure business success: customer satisfaction or a positive customer experience. But what is the reality of such a specific service as mobility, especially by rail? What are the drivers, framework conditions, new developments? What levers exist to influence customer perception more positively? What will future customers expect, and what answers could the railways provide?

After the pandemic situation, the World has faced, railways should reinforce their efforts in improving the perception of rail as a convenient way of travel in terms of safety and security as well as in terms of comfort.

This should give a base for a renewal of a sustainable economic growth of rail as backbone of short and long-distance public transport. Customer experience is key to foster rail as pillar of sustainable mobility in the post-Covid-19 reality.

Project Objectives

CEMP members network share best practices with the common aim of improving the overall CX in the railway sector and thus increasing its attractiveness and profitability as a way to support the modal shift to a more sustainable mobility.

It will as well help in the creation of a seamless CX across railway operators and across different modes of transport answering to the vision of the Railway Sector Vision “Challenge 2050” regarding “Value for money Services”.

How to accomplish the challenge?

The overall-aim is to offer added-value for member-RU’s providing state-of-the-art-solutions, overview and discussion of existing and coming standards in the sector and linking of member-RU’s between each other and with relevant stakeholders in rail industry and in the sector. This should help to build-on and enhance CX of their customers, attract and convince new and existing customers and therefor secure revenues of RU’s and reaching green goals of state administrations.

The project consists of 3 main working fields, combined with an interactive workshop- and training-approach.

  • CX Monitoring and Management strategies. Identify Key Performance Indicators and adapted tools for CX assessment for continuous monitoring and improvement to create Guidelines on the subject.
  • Study of new technologies to improve the efficacity of customer analysis based in surveys. Analysis of case studies of success and failure stories of businesses due to good/ poor customer experience.
  • Analysis of the Multimodal Customer Experience as a challenge to assure rail attractiveness among other ways of transport.



Regular workshops on topics related to CX. Continuous support to UIC members implementing new solutions to improve CX. The trainings would be also a tool to generate know-how, to enhance the international network on this issue.

For further information please read:


Happy Passengers Travel More: How to Measure and Improve Customer Experience by Rail

Download a Free Copy Now

Optimizing Bikes and Luggage Transportation in Railway Systems

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Customer Experience by Rail: State of the Art and Best Practices with a Vision 2030 Case Study

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UIC Contact

For further information please contact: Vanessa Perez Miranda

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Wednesday 1 January 2020